JC: Conquered Brides is somewhat of a departure from other anthologies we see today. The idea that all the stories begin at the taking of a castle and its inhabitants, and that all of the characters are coming from the same place of reference is an interesting idea. How did you come up with this? KMJ: I know that the idea of the plot came from a vacation that James and I took to Europe last June where we toured Southern Germany, BUT I actually can't remember whose idea it was to do the box set. It was either James Johnson (my husband and the head publisher at SNP) or Renee Rose. Maybe a mix of the two. James got Renee to spearhead the idea and lead the group. She set up a private facebook group for the lot of us to compare notes and ask questions, and we also had an editor who checked our books for consistency since we tend to use many of the same characters. We all chose characters, and I picked the queen, so I wrote the first 1500 words to explain why the war was going on and up to the point where all these women would be carried off and married instead of... you know... raped. Which was surely the more common practice back then. After that, we all went in our own directions. JC: Renee Rose spearheading anything is probably the wise move. This type of thing takes some coordination. I know in some of the anthologies I’ve been involved with, where there was a theme running through the stories, there was quite a bit of coordination, and those weren’t nearly as complex as your idea. You’ve got Renee Rose, Sue Lyndon, Dinah McLeod, yourself and Ashe Barker whom, until now, I was not familiar with. How did you come up with such an eclectic group? KMJ: That was all Renee! She put the team together for us and I was asked to join. I don't know her rhyme or reasoning at all, not even when I was asked to do it, which I hadn't anticipated, even when my husband ran the box set idea by her this last summer. I was definitely present when the idea started, but James and I come up with tons of ideas, but we don't incorporate ourselves into any of them. So it was a cool surprise when I was asked to participate. JC: Did you talk a lot with the others while you were writing your story, or did you all stay pretty independent once the idea was formed and you wrote the set up—which was great, by the way. KMJ: Thank you! We did a lot of column A, a little of column B. Mostly we just went for it, except to let people know if we were using each others characters or if they were going to do something crazy. At the end there was a little bit to clear up, like the bad guy getting caught, etc. Our editor had a LOT of patience. There were a lot of things we didn't think to ask each other that our editor had to fix, like people being in the same space without acknowledging each other. So it wasn't perfectly smooth, but for the most part we did our own thing, wrote in our own style, and told our own stories. JC: And that is where a good editor is worth his or her weight in gold. I can see how very easily a character could show up in a scene, or in room, and what a problem it would be if character #1 didn’t acknowledge character #2. Was the plan to write these in any particular order, or did the editor or publisher decide what order the stories would appear? KMJ: The editor and publisher is pretty much the same person in this particular case. (Editor meaning content editor not the copy editor--that was another person). So James Johnson decided. Mine had to go first just because I wrote the part where the general of the army grants that they won't rape the women in the kingdom; they would take them as wives. Other than that, he just had to choose the best flow. JC: Well it works. Can you talk a bit about the stories and what influenced each, if you know? And let's talk about yours specifically. Was the story brewing for you while you were visiting Germany, or later? KMJ: I don't know what inspired the others. It'd be so cool if the group could just sit down, have a cup of coffee, and talk about that. As it is, we had to work from the internet medium, which is traditionally more brief. I think that's the downfall of internet teams--they lack a lot of personal closeness. It can still be fun, but not like the fun or conversation you'd get from working with someone face-to-face. I definitely got my idea in Germany while I was there. It's hard not to when you get to explore around a castle (especially a non-guided tour when you can just let yourself mull over what you're looking at. Ideas just flow. Especially because it was mostly a vacation, and I tend to be able to relax and actually get creative. Even then, I don't normally plot out a story in its entirety. I think of the characters, the setting, and the situation. The rest just comes out later. JC: So you've written quite a few books over the years but I understand fans are having a hard time finding them. What's going on? KMJ: It's tough to get a hold of an eBook copy of Pursuit of Glory, Otherworldly Discipline, Never Submit, Learning to Blush, Christmas Awakening, and Earning a Christmas Bride. The publisher that held those books' rights released them back to me nearly two weeks ago. When those books were published, I didn't have an editor, and I felt like they weren't as polished as my more recent novels with Stormy Night. When I see that I have a new review for one of those older books, I worry that something will be said about the editing. I might know the rules, but I've never been good at editing my own work. I've read those older stories several times, but when I read them I often still find things I’d change for the sake of style or clarity. I think the problem with being one’s own editor is the author knows how they WANT it to be read, not how their audience would actually read it. So sometimes a self-editing author will breeze over a lot of things they would have caught editing someone else's work. I think that that people who like my books feel like they get nothing but heartburn and indigestion out of me. I keep imagining that they look at my available books and say, "This list is getting shorter, not longer!" despite the release of The Conquered Brides. I plan to give a couple of the books more of a reboot, anyway. Not just an edit. There are a couple of things I want to flesh out in some, smooth over in others. When I first started writing in 2007, there were some things about novel writing, such as perspective, that I didn't do very well because I didn't grasp some of the rules of writing novels that apply beyond grammar. JC: I’d love to take a stab at some older work, too. I might follow your lead there. So, the above mentioned books are in your possession, and you plan to re-release them? Your fans are doing a happy dance. KMJ: I hope so! Because they’re either doing that, or they’re sharpening their pitchforks. I wouldn't worry too much about that, my friend. Korey, thanks so much for chatting today. This was fun. The Conquered Brides by Renee Rose, Ashe Barker, Sue Lyndon, Korey Mae Johnson, and Dinah McLeod
When the castle they called home is besieged and ultimately falls, five women are captured and carried off as wives by their foes. Will they be treated as no more than the spoils of war, or can their new lords prove themselves worthy of the love and submission of their conquered brides? The Conquered Brides is a five-book collection featuring brand-new titles from five top erotic romance authors. This collection includes: Commanding the Princess, by Korey Mae Johnson As the ruler of Hohenzollern Castle in name only, Susanna has watched helplessly for years as her power-hungry uncle made one enemy after another for her. One enemy stands out, and the moment she catches sight of him, Princess Susanna is certain that it will be Gerhard of Bavaria who brings her world down around her. As his army smashes through her gates, Susanna makes the only choice she has left. She surrenders herself to Gerhard, hoping to win mercy for her people, though she fears it will come at the cost of her life. But she soon learns that Gerhard has other plans for her, plans which may end with her surrendering much more than just her castle to him. The Knight’s Seduction, by Renee Rose Avowed to never again yield to a man’s ill-treatment, Lady Daisy stands ready to fight to the death when her castle is sacked. The imposing knight Sir Barrett has other ideas, however, and to her dismay, Daisy soon finds herself not only disarmed, but soundly spanked as well. Sir Barrett takes her as his captive bride, but when she shows real terror at the prospect of consummating their marriage, he offers her a bargain. She will offer her body to him and accept the pleasurable torments he inflicts, but he will not claim her fully until she aches for it so badly she begs him. Certain she will do no such thing, Daisy agrees, but can she resist the knight’s seduction? The Widow Is Mine, by Ashe Barker Since her husband’s untimely passing, Lady Natalia has resigned herself to a quiet life as a young widow and perhaps one day as a nun. But when her adopted home is conquered by the enemy, her world is turned upside down. After he rescues her from the chaos of Hohenzollern’s fall, Duke Stefan of Richtenholst cannot imagine allowing Natalia to languish behind the walls of a convent. The duke takes Natalia home as his wife, and he quickly proves himself ready to compel her obedience when it is necessary, but can he ever truly make her his own? Conquering Lady Claire, by Sue Lyndon As Hohenzollern Castle falls, mayhem unfolds around Lady Claire, and her only aim is to lead as many women and children of the castle to safety as possible. In an odd turn of fortune, her courageous efforts ultimately lead to her capture by none other than Lord Galien of Minrova, the very man that her brother, a powerful duke, recently commanded to find her and claim her as his wife. Claire’s defiance is quickly overcome by means of a firm hand applied to her bare bottom, but Galien is not content merely going through the motions of a political marriage. His skilled lovemaking soon leaves his new bride begging for more, but can he conquer her heart as well? Kidnapped and Claimed, by Dinah McLeod When her husband’s repeated infidelities and drunken insults become too much to bear, Lady Cecily flees to her childhood home at Hohenzollern, but things quickly go from bad to worse and she is kidnapped from the castle stables only moments after her arrival. Cecily ignores her abductor’s warnings of ruin about to befall Hohenzollern and his claim that he took her from the castle only to keep her safe. She resists him every step of the way, until at last he spanks her long and hard. Despite his firm chastisement, it soon becomes clear to Cecily that her captor cares for her in a way her husband never did. But can she forgive him for stealing her from her home? Publisher’s Note: The Conquered Brides contains spankings, sexual scenes, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book. Buy From Amazon Buy From Barnes and Noble Buy From AllRomance eBooks Buy From Kobo Read a Longer Sample of Commanding the Princess by Korey Mae Johnson Read a Longer Sample of The Knight’s Seduction by Renee Rose Read a Longer Sample of The Widow is Mine by Ashe Barker Read a Longer Sample of Conquering Lady Claire by Sue Lyndon Read a Longer Sample of Kidnapped and Claimed by Dinah McLeod
I would like to extend congratulations to LaGina! She has won a copy of Coming to Terms, our first anthology. LaGina, and all our readers and supporters: I want to thank you all for supporting us and our new anthology, MILESTONES. The book is doing well, and the seven of us hope that continues. Most of all, though, we all hope you, our fans and supporters, like the book. Tell a friend!
![]() It's here! It's here! I'm so very proud to be involved in another project with six of my favorite people. Milestones was released on the day of LOVE, February 14, and it's doing very well so far. Ooooh...good news! We seven authors will sponsor a drawing for one lucky reader each day to win a copy of our first anthology, Coming to Terms. Each author will excerpt from her story in the book. All you have to do is visit, read and comment. TODAY is my day! If you missed one of the earlier posts, you can still go back and catch up: Renee Rose – February 14 Celeste Jones - February 16 Alta Hensley - February 17 Jade Cary - February 18 Cara Bristol – February 19 Sue Lyndon - February 20 Anastasia Vitsky - February 21 October Something As their tenth wedding anniversary approaches, Kate and Jack Barrington are signing divorce papers instead of exchanging tin. Desperate to save their marriage, Jack holds Kate hostage at their mountain retreat, where happiness once reigned supreme. Can they move through the bad times and find love once again? She awoke to the sound of blue jays nattering in the trees outside her bedroom window. She smelled coffee and wondered how that could be-- Unless... The dream still lay heavy against her chest. It was a recurring dream, since she had decided to file for divorce. The dream summed up the story of their life together. She did smell coffee. She got up, slid her feet into her sheep-skin slippers and trotted out to the living room. She stopped dead in her tracks. “Good morning.” He leaned against the kitchen counter, his arms folded over his chest, an arrogant look in his eye. Blankets and pillows were folded and stacked on the couch in the living room. He wore faded jeans and a black waffle-weave Henley. The way he stood caused the front of his jeans to bulge provocatively, and she found her gaze wandering from the bulge to his strong thighs, and back again. She finally forced her eyes to meet his. “You’re like a bad penny, Jack: always turning up.” Kate came up along side him and reached into the cupboard for a cup, then poured coffee for herself. The smell of the coffee competed with the smell of him, and as always, the musky scent of him won out. “How did you get in, by the way?” “Key. Nothing complicated.” He sighed, knowing his close proximity invaded her space, and not caring a damn that she felt uncomfortable. “You’re one stubborn woman, Kathryn. We’re going to work on that, too, while I’m here.” “Uh-huh. Finish your coffee and get out.” Jack tossed his head back and laughed. Kate dipped a finger in her hot coffee and, despite the pain it caused, flicked the warm liquid in his face. “Keep laughing, and you’ll be wearing this coffee.” She walked past him over to the kitchen table. “That would be your third mistake,” he said, following her. He sat. “My third,” she smirked. “What were my first two, out of curiosity?” “Not letting me in the house last night, and this divorce.” “Let it go, please.” “Nope. I said we’re going to talk, and we are going to talk.” She sighed and looked down at the old wood table she found at a local flea market when they first bought the house. In a previous life, it had been the front door to the tiny church of an old mission that had been destroyed in a fire. The door, mahogany and hand- carved, had remained unscarred. She saw it as an omen. The eight chairs, six of which were currently around the table, were a mish-mash of different styles and colors, found in various places, all having meaning to her. Jack hated the unmatched style. Kate loved the old, lived-in feel it gave the kitchen. “Then get to it. The sooner you say your piece, the sooner you’re out.” “You assume too much, lady,” he said, his voice low. Kate caught his eyes and held them. “Why are you doing this?” “I’ve told you already. Listening is something else we’ll work on.” She gestured with her hands for him to commence with his speech, or whatever he had planned. “I do not want this divorce, and I want to fix it.” “And what about what I want?” “You’re angry right now. I’d like to have a rational discussion with you about why I think we can make this work, but you’re not making it easy.” “Easy? You want easy? Oh, well, why didn’t you say so? I’m nothing, if not easy. So, let me make this... easy. I owe you that much, don’t I?” She sipped her coffee and regarded him over the rising steam. “I was wrong, it was all me, I couldn’t have been a worse choice for you. This divorce? It’s all my fault. Had I been a better wife, paid more attention to you, listened more, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I hope in time you will find it in your heart to forgive me.” She stood and put her cup in the sink. “Now, get the fuck out of my house. And leave your key. This is my house now.” She strode past him, heading for the bedroom, but he caught her arm. Kate lifted her eyes to meet his. Normally a stunning clear, golden brown-amber, they were now black with rage. “First, if I ever hear you say fuck again, I’ll put you across my knee and spank you so hard you’ll forget your own name.” He held her eyes hostage, the silence that punctuated his words almost worse than the words themselves. “Do you understand me?” Kate’s upper body shuddered and then went ice cold, while warmth circulated down below her waist. Jack had never spoken like this before. She knew he did not like her to swear, and he was especially intolerant of her occasional use of the F-word. But, over the years those things seemed to become less important to him, until she said and did the very things he admonished her for now. She stood before him, flushed, mortified, and furious all at once. Her body betrayed her mind and won by a mile. “Do-you-under-stand-me?” “Yes,” she whispered, her response automatic and out of her mouth before she could think of something a bit more clever to say. By the look on his face, clever would have been unwise. “Second, we are going to have a mature conversation about our future, so there will be no more sarcasm. Got it?” Kate simply nodded. “Third, there’ll be no more walking away from me, especially while I am talking to you. I’ll grant you the same respect. Clear?” Her mouth tightened into a thin line, and as she was about to speak, his pupils dilated and he said, “I want a yes or a no to this one, Kate. Nothing more. Am-I-clear?” “Yes,” she whispered. He loosened his grip on her arm. “Thank you,” he whispered back, and then one corner of his mouth turned up. It was not arrogance. It was not hubris. It was not the gloating smile of man who’d just won a round with a stubborn woman. It was a genuine smile of relief. “Now, please sit down.” With a gentle hand on her lower back, he guided her to the large worn leather club chair in front of the fireplace. He left her and returned with a fresh cup of coffee. Jack sat on the hearth of the fireplace and took her hand in his. “Katie,” he began. “I’ve made a mistake.” She glanced at him sideways and the chuckle escaped before she could stop it. “Ya think?” Kate was famous for her sarcastic wit. Jack never appreciated that particular trait, and he was especially unappreciative now. He offered her the same look that the threat of a spanking accompanied a few minutes ago. She pled forgiveness with her eyes, and hoped he noticed, because it was all she would give him. “Kathryn,” he said, looking down at her hand in his. “I love you, and I never stopped. And it’s clear that while I open my veins on one side, you’re going to take pleasure opening them on the other.” He stared at his hands. “I’ve never known you to be cruel.” “I’m hurting.” Those words, that confession, caused tears to spring to her eyes. “I know. And I’m sorry. I want to fix it. Will you let me?” “I don’t think I can. I don’t think I care to.” “I don’t believe that.” Kate looked off into the expanse of the house... anywhere but in the whirlpool of his eyes, where she could, and would, get sucked in again. “Will you let me try? Will you let me try to fix it?” She shook her head as she dashed tears from her cheeks. “Why? Why now?” “Because we were good once, weren’t we?” I invite you to visit the other author blogs, read their excerpts and comment. And pick up a copy of Milestones. You won't be sorry. ![]() The Sexy Seven are at it again, and this time it's all about the Milestones in our lives that mark change, that create new paths to explore, and that ultimately bring us together. Cara Bristol, Alta Hensley, Celeste Jones, Sue Lyndon, Renee Rose, Ana Vitsky and yours truly bring you MILESTONES Coming February 14, 2014 OCTOBER SOMETHING by Jade Cary As their tenth wedding anniversary approaches, Kate and Jack Barrington are signing divorce papers instead of exchanging tin. Desperate to save their marriage, Jack holds Kate hostage at their mountain retreat, where happiness once reigned supreme. Can they move through the bad times and find love once again? MAJOR CHANGES by Cara Bristol Before her military husband left for Afghanistan, Cadence Simmons depended on Rahm’s love, guidance, and protection. But his service to his country forced her to become more independent and make decisions for herself. He’s home for good now and eager to resume where they left off. But Cadence isn’t quite sure she wants things exactly as they were before. Can a little domestic discipline help this loving couple through some major changes? THE BARN by Alta Hensley Determined to convert an old barn into the home of her dreams, Paige Holland returns to her small town after twelve years. She finds herself face to face with the man she never forgot. The same man who shattered her heart in a million pieces. The same man she never wanted to see again, yet also the same man she so desperately missed. Connor McNeil...her first true love. MAKING IT 'WRITE' by Celeste Jones Jill Carpenter is thrilled when her first spanking fiction novel is accepted for publication and a whole new life as a professional writer opens up for her. The only catch? Complying with her husband's rules regarding absolute secrecy and privacy. A TIME TO HEAL by Sue Lyndon Stephie’s cancer went into remission a year ago, but her husband, Marcus, still treats her like she’s breakable. They resume practicing domestic discipline, but Marcus has a hard time following through with punishments, leaving Stephie frustrated that it’s not the same as before her illness. Can they move past the fears that have built up between them to find the intimacy they lost? UNMET DESIRE by Renee Rose Watching his wife unravel as she faces infertility is as heartbreaking for Luis as it is for Claire, but the more compassion he shows, the more she drifts away. Deciding to take a firm hand, he whisks her away to their mountain condo for a weekend boot camp to reaffirm their roles and reignite their passion for one another. THE FIRST SUBMISSION by Anastasia Vitsky Bred to uphold duty and tradition from the cradle, rising legal scholar Sori shrinks from marriage and assuming the role of disciplinarian. Temper pot Karie longs for freedom as a First Responder and scorns the fusty Sori. In this prequel to Becoming Clissine, Karie and Sori must choose their own happiness. Can they find love in an arranged marriage? I can't wait to read these myself! I'm so excited to a part of this anthology and have the privilege of working with these fine authors again. ![]() I have a little story for you. It won't take long. I've been writing for about ten years--not long in the world of published writing. Many have labored at their craft since they were kids. Me? I wanted to be a doctor. I am a published crime fiction author. My agent prefers I pledge my allegiance to the Romance-Suspense genre. She thinks that sells better. What do I know? I'll go her way every time. During those few years that it took me to write my novel, raise a toddler and a tween, and then wonder what to do with the thing once I typed Finis at the end, I dabbled in a little secret passion of mine: Romance-with-kink. And the kink was spanking. I longed for the days of romance novels with the no-nonsense hero and the smart, feisty heroine. Sparks flew, and once in a while, so did his hand across her bottom. But mostly the books were about the romance. You don't find them anymore. I wanted to write that kind of romance, bring back what is now considered taboo. So, here I was, with several short stories sitting in secret files on my computer. I'd shared some on a website, got some good feedback, but I wanted more. I wanted to share what I'd done with an audience who would appreciate what I was trying to do--and I wasn't doing it like everyone else. I'm getting to the point of this post, I promise. I took the leap and I sent out some feelers. I had a story I was proud of, one I really labored over, one I got so entrenched in that I was terrified to share it. It was violent. It was scary. The hero was far from perfect. And, at the end of the book, I did something I discovered later no romance author ever does. EVER. I hated it. I loved it. I feared backlash, I feared retribution, I feared being tossed out into the cold, never to be allowed into the fantastic club known as romance fiction. I took a chance. I sent the manuscript to a publishing house who likes this sort of thing. They strung me along and I got tired of waiting. I searched the internet, I looked at like-minded author's books and the folks who published them. I read Alta Hensley's Traditional Love. I liked it. I liked that a small publisher was willing to publish something like that, and still publish mainstream fiction. I took a deep breath, and then I took another chance. I sent the manuscript to a little known publisher by the name of Lazy Day. A month later, I got this: Dear Jade, We just got done reading and evaluating The Point of it All. We are pleased to say that we absolutely loved it. It was well written, and the storyline made the book a real page turner. We at LazyDay Publishing would like to offer you a contract to publish your book. Congratulations and welcome to our team. It was signed Staci Helling, now Staci Taylor, owner of LazyDay Publishing Every published author carries tales of their first time, that unmatched thrill that someone likes your work, and they are willing to attach their name to it and get it out to the public on your behalf. The author gets excited, they say yes, they read the contract, then have their business savvy husbands read it again (Thank you, baby), they sign on the dotted line, and hope they haven't turned their love-child over to uptight, strap-wielding taskmasters who will rip it to shreds and remold it into something unrecognizable. That did not happen. In fact, Staci and her team worked the book over into something better, and then pushed it out into the world with firm but loving hands. Then they let me do it again. And again. From an author's perspective, this is the gift of a good publisher. The kinship I feel with Staci and her team cannot be put into words well, so I will simply say this: Thank you, Staci Taylor and Lazy Day Publishing for taking me on, taking me in, accepting my input, allowing me to fail and forcing me to make it better, work harder, think outside the box, and express freely. And thank you for surrounding yourself with smart people who challenge me, make me crazy, make me laugh, and ultimately make me better. Happy birthday to Lazy Day Publishing. May you continue to shine in threes. ![]() I am so excited! That anthology I keep mentioning I'm so proud to be a part of? Well, it's HERE at last! Seven authors, seven stories. Summer means more than fun and sun, rest and relaxation. For the couples in Coming to Terms, vacation presents a chance to connect, and work through important issues in their domestic discipline relationships. From endeavoring to define DD to missing a DD partner to balancing erotic spanking and disciplinary spanking, these stand-alone stories penned by seven authors of spanking fiction cover a broad spectrum of issues commonly encountered in loving DD relationships. Will the obstacles prove too difficult to overcome? Or will each couple emerge from vacation with their relationships revitalized and stronger than ever? I want to give a little shout out to my outstanding co-authors. It isn't often you get to work with consummate professionals whom you are also privileged to call friends. Ladies, I can't think of six people I'd rather work with. Muaaaah! Tomorrow by Ana Vitsky This Moment by Alta Hensley With or Without Him by Cara Bristol Confession Time by Sue Lyndon Spank and Run by Renee Rose Reconnecting by Celeste Jones Days with You by Jade Cary DAYS WITH YOU All of your favorites from The Point of it All (including Val, in flashbacks) return in this heartrending short story about love and loss, and about keeping dreams, and hope, alive. Diana Kenyon-Rios arrives in Chile for the Christmas holidays--her first after losing her husband, Val. As she prepares to celebrate the holidays in Val's home country, she reminisces on her short but wonderful relationship and marriage to Val, and how she tried to come to terms with his...way. Not exactly a DD lifestyle in the truest sense, but let's face it--Val liked to spank an ass. Why? And why did Diana allow it? Did she benefit? Did he? Did it define their life, or did it take up a small, but not insignificant part of their relationship? And as Diana attempts to reconcile his death with the life she must lead now, something keeps her from fully accepting that he is gone. She feels him in her bones so deeply, it is as if he is still alive Through intimate talks with friends and reminiscences, she finds a way to hold on to the greatest love she will ever know. But will her dreams be enough? And now, an excerpt from DAYS WITH YOU: Dying is easy; It’s living that scares me to death. ~Annie Lennox Diana stared out the window of the plane as it started its descent into Santiago. The snow capped Andes cast a late afternoon shadow over the city, its streets laid out in a perfect grid pattern. She held a glass of ice in her hand, absently chewing on the jagged chunks to stave off the pressure building behind her cheekbones as the plane decreased in altitude. The man sitting next to her cast worried glances as she bent over, the glass of ice pressed firmly against her forehead, her breath coming in hitches and then smoothing out into long waves, as if she possessed the power to stop the eruption in her head by simply breathing in, and out, and in, and out.... “More ice?” the flight attendant asked. Diana raised the glass. “Please.” “You okay?” the man beside her asked. He had engaged her in too much chitchat on the connector out of Dallas, but mostly he was quiet. He was a bland man, one who would get lost in a crowd, and stay lost. He was soft spoken and conservatively dressed. He wore a gold watch and no rings. Diana tried to avoid men who wore no rings. Not that rings kept them from talking to her, or worse. No. Rings did not seem to matter. “My wife used to get those types of headaches when she flew. Whew,” he blew out, shaking his head. “They could be rough.” Tall buildings built wide apart clustered in one section of the city. Santiago was brown-gray, like most cities, and a colorless haze hung over the buildings like a shroud. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the gold cufflinks holding the man’s shirt cuff closed. S. The letter S in black surrounded by gold. Cufflinks. His cologne, mixed with the masculine smell accumulated after a day on an airplane was cloying. The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion, sat open and face down across his lap. A wife and no ring. Yes, she had seen that too—too often. “Turns out it was brain cancer,” he said. “Yeah. Rough.” He sniffed once and then lifted his book. It shook in his hands. It’s not a tumor. Diana accepted the newly filled glass of ice with thanks, then pulled two small cubes into her mouth and sucked hard. She turned to the man as the plane touched down. “Did she make it?” she asked. The loss of a loved one was not a badge worn by those left behind. There was no neon sign, no special sigh, no memo to others. Yet, those who had loved and then lost carried something in their eyes, like a Vacancy sign. Endure this, the sign blinked on and off. See if you can. It’s not a tumor. “No,” he said. “No, she didn’t.” Diana stared out the window at the brown-gray landscape. The loss you know is better than the loss you don’t know. Someone said this to her after those hard, foggy new days of widowhood. She did not know how to take it, how to pull it all inside herself and make it work magic for her. No. She new little during those dark days, but one thing she did know for certain: bearing the loss was so much more excruciating than the wonder of it. Diana turned to the man and set her hand upon his. “I’m so sorry for your loss,” she said. ![]() I've never hosted a fellow writer on my blog, but I am so impressed with author Paloma Beck and her new offering, Hold my Hand, that I wanted her to tell us all about it--and about herself. Paloma Beck is a Romance Author living a life of contradiction... she's a happily married carpooling mom writing erotic romance. It's almost naughty! Paloma writes in both the Contemporary and Paranormal realms, journaling the stories her characters tell her, and they are anything but PG. She dabbles in vampires, witches, ménage, spanking and bdsm - all in her books, of course. Paloma believes a daily dose of espresso and a good book make any day better. I couldn't agree with her more. She is currently working on a contemporary romance series about three brothers. Finding Home, book two, will be released sometime in 2013 with Secret Cravings Publishing. She also has a paranormal romance series, The Seven Sin Sisters, contracted with Secret Cravings Publishing, which will be released between August 2012 and August 2013. She is joining me here today to talk about her new self-published work, Hold my Hand. It is my great pleasure to introduce Paloma Beck. Thanks to Jade for having me today. It’s an honor to be with a talented author I both read and love as I begin promoting Hold My Hand. Hold My Hand is my very first self-published book. With my first two series contracted through a publisher, I decided to try something different for my NaNoWriMo project. I wrote most of the book in November 2012 but the origins of the book go back even further… to a poem I wrote in my high school Creative Writing class. I had no idea the poem connected with the story when the heroine first came to me in a dream in the spring of 2012. It’s crazy how this project all fell together. I couldn’t help but focus back on the poem -and the message there- to realize these feelings and this story were inside me for such a long time. HOLD My HAND Hold My Hand is an erotic contemporary BDSM-lite romance about Aubrey, a young woman filled with hurt, and William, a man who can't walk away. They're navigating through a relationship that may have too many hurdles... or perhaps not, as long as she can hold his hand. Hold My Hand hints at the heroine’s childhood experiences of emotional abuse. Aubrey has been hurt in the past, discouraged and degraded by a heartless father. Still, William sees something in her that won't allow him to walk away. Instantly drawn to her but intuitive enough to take it slowly, he courts her. Then he bargains, persuades and seduces until he ensnares Aubrey with his commanding nature. Hold My Hand introduces the heroine to domestic discipline. Despite the fight she puts up in accepting William's lifestyle, the bonds he places on Aubrey give her a freedom she desperately needs. In this most unlikely way, together, they heal old wounds and find their perfect love. Enjoy an EXCERPT ©Paloma Beck, 2013 “Stop right there, little elf, before our fun afternoon turns into a session in obedience. Do not belittle yourself. No more of that,” William held my chin as he spoke. He knew as well as I did that I would’ve ducked my head at the reprimand. He kissed me lightly before whispering, “You’re perfect to me.” Paloma, that was an amazing excerpt, and I'm looking forward to reading Hold my Hand. Thanks for joining me here, and I hope you'll come back again soon.
Hold My Hand is currently only available through Smashwords but will release at all other major ebook retailers on April 1, 2013. You can check out Aubrey’s Pinterest Board and mark the book as WANT TO READ on Goodreads today! Connect with Paloma: WEBSITE http://palomabeck.weebly.com TUMBLR http://palomabeck.tumblr.com/ BLOG http://RomanceBeckons.blogspot.com TWITTER https://twitter.com/PalomaBeck FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/PalomaBeckAuthor PINTEREST http://www.pinterest.com/PalomaBeck GOODREADS http://www.goodreads.com/PalomaBeck AMAZON ![]() When it finally comes--that moment you might have fantasized about, the moment you may have pushed for without much conscious effort, the moment you swore you really didn't want--it's quite a shock. Just ask Rowan Delaney. (Click on the picture to visit other blogs) He opened the door and pulled Rowan inside. She would pay for this, and she would pay dearly. Vincent Girardi did not suffer fools, and he found that he suffered foolish women even less. The door banged shut under his foot, and after setting his gun down on the side table, he dragged her struggling form into the living room. He did not think he’d met a stupider woman, and if her stupidity did not get her shapely ass killed, he’d gladly do the job. He sat on the arm of the couch and hauled her over his knee. ![]() Summer means more than fun and sun, rest and relaxation. For the couples in Coming to Terms, vacation presents a chance to connect, and work through important issues in their domestic discipline relationships. From endeavoring to define DD to missing a DD partner to balancing erotic spanking and disciplinary spanking, these stand-alone stories penned by seven authors of spanking fiction cover a broad spectrum of issues commonly encountered in loving DD relationships. Will the obstacles prove too difficult to overcome? Or will each couple emerge from vacation with their relationships revitalized and stronger than ever? I am thrilled, excited, over-the-moon to be involved in this terrific anthology, along with six of my favorite writers. I am in fine company here. Please visit the rest of my posse. They might have a snippet or two for you. Tomorrow by Ana Vitsky This Moment by Alta Hensley With or Without Him by Cara Bristol Confession Time by Sue Lyndon Spank and Run by Renee Rose Reconnecting by Celeste Jones Days with You by Jade Cary DAYS WITH YOU All of your favorites from The Point of it All (including Val, in flashbacks) return in this heartrending short story about love and loss, and about keeping dreams, and hope, alive. Diana Kenyon-Rios arrives in Chile for the Christmas holidays--her first after losing her husband, Val. As she prepares to celebrate the holidays in Val's home country, she reminisces on her short but wonderful relationship and marriage to Val, and how she tried to come to terms with his...way. Not exactly a DD lifestyle in the truest sense, but let's face it--Val liked to spank an ass. Why? And why did Diana allow it? Did she benefit? Did he? Did it define their life, or did it take up a small, but not insignificant part of their relationship? And as Diana attempts to reconcile his death with the life she must lead now, something keeps her from fully accepting that he is gone. She feels him in her bones so deeply, it is as if he is still alive Through intimate talks with friends and reminiscences, she finds a way to hold on to the greatest love she will ever know. But will her dreams be enough? He throws his head back and laughs. His laugh at once chills and renews her. It also has the ability to enrage her, like now. COMING TO TERMS May 15, 2013 from Lazy Day ![]() The wait is over! I am proud to announce that my new novel, BELLA ROSA, is now available on Amazon Kindle. Enjoy, and let me know how you like it. This is the city. Murder and violence is all in a day’s work for Lieutenant Vincent Girardi. But there is something about this murder that doesn’t add up. When a piece of paper with an address written on it is found at the crime scene, Vince believes that perhaps this victim wasn’t the intended target. Dr. Rowan Delaney is biding her time. In less than a week she will give testimony that will rid her of a painful past once and for all, and grant her and her two children the freedom she has been seeking for years. When Lieutenant Vincent Girardi and his partner show up at her door to question her about the murdered woman across the street, and then suggest that she may have been the intended target, she refuses all help or protection, intending to fulfill her obligation in front of the Grand Jury without interference from anyone—including the handsome cop darkening her doorstep. But the Lieutenant has other plans. He is convinced the pretty doctor was the intended victim, and he is determined to find out why, starting with Rowan’s absentee husband, head of a notorious drug cartel. Vince is determined to see the woman and her children safe; Rowan is determined to start her life over—after her testimony. Can Vince protect her without his feelings for her getting in the way? And can Rowan accept his care, along with a heavy dose of hubris and alpha dominance, without losing herself in the process? And will their growing love be enough to save them from the evil that will not take no for an answer? |
AuthorJade Cary writes Romantica and Romantic Suspense, on the rocks with a twist. Bottoms up! REVIEW SITES
March 2019